Wednesday, January 9, 2013


What are your goals for 2013? 
Are they the same goals you list every year? Will this be the year you accomplish or make progress towards these goals?

I sure hope this is my year...Mine are the usual goals everyone makes, but I am hoping this year I will keep and make progress towards each goal:
1. Save Money
2. Pay off Debt (Dave Ramsey would be so ashamed of me, in less than a year, I have racked up credit card debt again - I went two whole years without ever using a credit card)
3. Exercise
4. Eat Healthy (with these my overall goal is to lose weight)
5. Volunteer

It is January 9 already, what have I done towards these goals so far??
1,2. Made a "new" budget
3. Went on a hike, a walk, and to a zumba class
4. Made an objective (yes, the SLP in me...) to eat at least 20 meals at home every week...beforehand, there were days I would eat all 3 meals in a day out (resturant and fast food) ....this again leads to saving money.
5. There is a volunteer orientation this Saturday at the Humane Society. I have always wanted to volunteer at one, but I know I would adopt every animal if I could. At least here in Kauai, I am unable to have animals where I live, so maybe this is the best time to give back in this area!

Christmas vacation was great - it was so nice to be home (in Texas) with my family and some of my friends! Each time I return home, part of me does not want to leave but there is a bigger part that sees that everyone/thing is okay and that I can go off and live my travel dream!

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